Higher Education has Important Role to Play in Stopping AAPI Hate

“It concerns me that a lot of educational institutions are under scrutiny by elected officials for talking frankly about racism in America. I’d like to see higher education continue to stand by scholars doing research in this area and the students insisting on course offerings related to subject.”

Tales of Racism and Sexism, From 3 Leading Asian-American Women

“Almost 70 percent of the incidents reported to Stop AAPI Hate were done so by women. Research from Virulent Hate, a project run by researchers at the University of Michigan to analyze how Asian-Americans have experienced racism during the pandemic, found a similar pattern when looking at incidents reported in the news media.”

Asian Women Are Hypersexualized, So Don’t Tell Me The Killings In Atlanta Aren’t About Race

“We know Asian American women are particularly affected by the past year and the anti-Asian racism that we see associated with the pandemic. The impact is really important, and it’s been really striking to me last night and today how sad they are, how angry they are,” she said. “Earlier today I just got off…

The shootings are not surprising — if you’ve been paying attention, Asian American women say

“After all the discrimination that Asians have experienced throughout U.S. history — the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the internment camps that forced Japanese Americans to leave their homes during World War II — it’s ‘shocking’ that so many Americans are still surprised by anti-Asian attacks, Borja said. She blames the ‘model minority’ myth.”

The Atlantic: What It’s Like When Racism Comes for You

“Borja and a team of researchers have spent the past year compiling a list of more than 700 incidents of anti-Asian harassment reported in local news outlets in places as varied as Martinsville, Indiana, and Bayview, California.”